Night lights around Asia
Night lights around Asia

2023澳洲幸运5开奖官网+开奖结果体彩下载、168官网| Revolutionizing Ocean Monitoring and Analysis

A Vision for Our Global Ocean

Using cutting-edge technology, Global Fishing Watch seeks to advance ocean governance through increased transparency of human activity at sea.

Open Ocean Project

Under the open ocean project, Global Fishing Watch will shine a light on all industrial human activity at sea–and make it freely available to the world.

Success Stories

Learn more about Global Fishing Watch’s various achievements and how we are making a difference in the world. Dive into some of our key milestones in science, analysis and governance.

Our map

The Global Fishing Watch map is the first open-access online platform for visualization and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea, including fishing activity, encounters between vessels, night light vessel detection and vessel presence.

What we do 澳洲幸运5官方开奖查询 澳洲幸运五开奖结果历史

Our purpose is to create and publicly share knowledge about human activity at sea to enable fair and sustainable use of our ocean.

We use cutting-edge technology to turn big data into actionable information. We believe human activity at sea should be common knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the good of all.

Introducing GFW video
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Latest news

澳洲幸运五开奖结果历史-168澳洲幸运5体彩网 Transparency

By embracing transparency, governments and authorities have a more cost-effective way of monitoring vessels, allowing fishers to demonstrate compliance rather than requiring the country to prove illegality.


Global Fishing Watch partners with leading scientific institutions to produce new open-source datasets and analyses and understand the most critical challenges facing our ocean.


Our open-access data visualizations and analysis tools enable scientific research and drive a transformation in how we manage our ocean.
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